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About Continuing Professional Development Scheme - CPDS


CPDS is primarily applied to registered members of HKADCP who are obliged to make reference to the minimal level requirements of the Scheme.  It however does not apply to other membership categories of HKADCP.


The requirement of CPDS shall be set forth by the Sub-committee of Research and Development, which will be effective after endorsement by the Board of HKADCP.

Organization & Accreditation

CPDS advocates an open reporting system by which participating clinical psychologists can maximize their learning experiences and fit their continuous educational plans for new professional opportunities emerging from time to time.

CPDS shall adopt or recognize different engagements of learning including accredited course provided by universities/institution/professional bodies, well documented professional dialogues like consultation or peer supervision hours or self-learning activities like reading, visiting institution or self-initiative research etc.   

Requirements and Evaluation

Each participating clinical psychologists should obtain:

  1. Professional Development Plan (hereinafter explained and referred to as "PDP") which outlines the planning activities and indicates estimate activities point (Optional)

  2. Total 45 credit point of CPDS within three (3) years are required, wherein no individual activities (save and except certification from HKADCP) shall exceed 30 credit points whilst peer consultation* shall not exceed 15 credit points in the full course of the three-year review cycle. Ceiling credit points of each activity refer to Table 1 herein.

  3. In general, one hour represents one credit point but in some learning occasions or circumstances, hourly components would not be available whereby detail conversion can also be referenced to the Table 1.

  4. Countable three-year cycle shall start from first day of April of each year, i.e. 1st April. CPDS is applied and taken effective once psychologists are registered in HKADCP. Pro-rata arrangement of CPDS however shall be made for the first submission which may fall short of 12 month period. Save and except that waiver period shall be applied to members who have registered prior to the CPDS brings into effect by HKADCP. 

* Peer consultation is defined as supervision and consultation in individual or group format, for the purposes of professional development and support in the practice of clinical psychology and includes a critically reflective focus on the clinical psychologist's own practice.


Record Maintenance and Audit

Participating clinical psychologists are obliged to maintain complete record on their own as per the template provided by HKADCP (Appendix 2) on an annual basis, which shall be completed and appropriately endorsed. Save and except for audit and/or certificate issuance purposes, submission of the record is not required.

HKADCP reserves right to carry out an audit with any individual participant’s CPDS record and request the registered member concerned at any time to submit relevant record for the said audit purpose.

Any violation or refusal of submission may contribute a default or risk of suspension or discontinuation of membership. The member concerned can have their status reinstated once they provided sufficient evidence for meeting the CPDS requirement for all completed membership years. Under all circumstances, re-statement of status shall be subject to the final discretion of HKADCP.

Any request for issuing proof or certificate of CPDS attainment shall be forwarded to the Sub-committee of Research and Development of HKADCP. A certificate of CPDS attainment is provided in the condition that

  1. Requirements of the CPDS is fulfilled and application form is duly completed (Appendix 3);

  2. Relevant record has been filed to HKADCP one month prior to the application; and

  3. Fulfillment of stipulated payment of HK$50 (excluding postage charges) of issuance prior to the delivery.


Continuing Professional Development Scheme (hereinafter referred to as "CPDS") is provisioned by HKADCP with a purpose of encouraging members for a continuing development of their profession. CPDS provides members a guideline as well as a framework of professional learning and studies that are considered essential for clinical psychologists to maintain a competent and high quality professional practice.


CPDS is aimed to maintain, enhance and broaden clinical psychologists' knowledge, experience, expertise, competence as well as to develop personal qualities and professional attribute required in their professional career. CPDS also prepares clinical psychologists to meet the changing needs of clients and the society which require an ongoing alliance with the scientific development and other professional bodies.

CPDS System

CPDS promotes a life-long learning development of participating clinical psychologists who agree voluntarily submit his or her CPDS in an annual basis. HKADCP shall maintain such records for the individuals who consent and undertake to follow the requirements defined in the CPDS hereafter mentioned.


Member of HKCSS

Voting Member Organization

in the World Federation for Mental Health

Member with the World Council for Psychotherapy

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