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Professional Indemnity Insurance for HKADCP Members

(Updated October 18, 2022)

We are pleased to advise that Charterlloyd Insurance Brokers Ltd. is now offering the master professional indemnity insurance scheme for all registered members of HKADCP. The yearly premium is HK$2,600  per insured member. For interested members, please complete the Declaration form and return it with a cheque of HK$2,600 (cheque payable to "Charterlloyd Insurance Brokers Ltd")  for insurance application. Please send the Declaration Form and the cheque to the following address:

Dr. Raymond Chow
Charterlloyd Insurance Brokers Ltd
Rm 1905, 19/F, Fortress Tower, 250 King’s Road,

North Point, Hong Kong.

Please see the Summary Statement of the Coverage for details of the  coverage  and exclusions of the professional indemnity insurance


IMPORTANT NOTES:  Members should understand this is a business deal between the individual registered members, the insurance broker, or the insurance package provider.  HKADCP has absolutely no part or gains in it apart from verifying the membership status of the subscribers as a service. Therefore, all transactions, claims, or inquiries will not be handled by HKADCP.

For any query or application, please get in touch with Ms. Alice Cheung (tel: 25236072; or Dr. Raymond Chow (tel: 25236350;

Is a HKADCP registered clinical psychologist a qualified clinical psychologist?

Making reference to latest international professional standards, HKADCP has laid clear and objective criteria for admission of registered clinical psychologist (Please click here for details) . Apart from high requirement for doctorate level of applicants, HKADCP also has adopted credential criteria requirement, under which applicant's professional qualification is counterchecked by at least one of the established and reputed professional or statutory psychological organizations in comparable developed countries.


Member of HKCSS

Voting Member Organization

in the World Federation for Mental Health

Member with the World Council for Psychotherapy

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