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Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse

  1. The government released the Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse Bill on 2 June 2023. The bill requires certain professionals to report suspected serious child abuse cases and provide protection for the reporters. As a person who professes to practice as, or publishes his or her name as, a clinical psychologist, is covered by this bill.

  2. HKADCP suggests members study the bill carefully to ensure safe practice. The bill can be accessed at for your attention.


Complaint Procedure

Hong Kong Association of Doctors in Clinical Psychology (HKADCP) is a professional association of doctoral clinical psychologists in Hong Kong. Its establishment serves to advance psychology and to uphold high professional standards in the profession in Hong Kong.

HKADCP takes very seriously any complaints about the professional conduct of its members. The complaint and appeal procedures are formulated to be impartial and fair to both the party making the complaint (complainant) and the clinical psychologist against whom the complaint is made (respondent). The HKADCP Ethic Sub‐committee is responsible for handling all received complaints.


Member of HKCSS

Voting Member Organization

in the World Federation for Mental Health

Member with the World Council for Psychotherapy

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