HKADCP Special Grand Meeting

The HKADCP called a special member meeting on March 11, 2018 and received great support with more than half of all members attended. Lively discussions were carried out on various issues in the sector of clinical psychology in Hong Kong. In the meeting, the progress of the "Proactive Medical Professional Registration Pilot Project" (hereinafter referred to as the "Pilot Project") launched by the Department of Health in 2016 was reported. HKADCP set up a special task force for the Pilot Project and aimed to actively engage and consult with Government officials and Legislative Council members. To protect the public interests and meet the needs of the community, the task force will continue the discussion on how to facilitate the Government in promoting the effective implementation of the Pilot Project, and will strive to pass the accredited medical professional registration for registered members of HKADCP. These measures will help promote the development of the mental health services in Hong Kong to reach an international level. In the meeting and communications that followed, HKADCP collected data of members' professional qualifications and their professional development for further analysis. Collected information includes members’ current employment situation, the scope of clinical psychology services that the members provided at work, internationally recognized licenses and memberships that members have attained, and experiences of discriminatory incident at work and/or in other professional groups. It is hoped that the analysis will help inform useful solutions/advice for members’ professional development in the future. Members at the meeting unanimously agreed and recognized that HKADCP is a stakeholder in the public mental health care sector. It is hoped that other relevant professional bodies and stakeholders in the sector could make use of the official platform and conduct professional, positive discussions in the public. This will allow the general public to fully understand the current situation in the mental health care sector in Hong Kong and to make timely responses. Consequently, Hong Kong residents would receive and benefit from effective and efficient psychological services in a foreseeable timetable. HKADCP also announced that an Open Forum would be held on May 26, 2018, gathering consensus among other parties and establishing the foundation for the implementation of the Pilot Program in the sector in the future.
本會於3月11日舉行會員大會,得到過半數會員的出席支持,會上會員亦為業界各種事務進行了熱烈討論。 會議就針對衛生署於二零一六年推出的「認可醫療專業註冊先導計劃」(下簡稱”先導計劃”) 的進展情況為會員作出報告。 本會 積極就先導計劃成立專案小組,與各政府官員和立法會議員接洽及資詢。 為保障公眾利益及滿足社區的需求, 專案小組亦將繼續努力商討如何推動政府 有效地落實先導計劃,並爭取通過本會註冊會員的認可醫療專業註冊資格,促使香港心理衛生服務行業能早日達到發達國家的專業水平。 會議另就國際認可臨床心理學家的執業資格要求,以及本會註冊會員專業發展 作出調查研究及數據收集,內容包括現時就業情況,臨床心理專業服務工作範圍,國際認可執照和專業會員資格,以及業內專業團體歧視和排斥的情況, 希望能值數據分析建設合適方案為會員未來發展作出更好調整配合。 會上會員一致認同本會作為公眾心理衛生業界持份者,希望業內專業團體及有關之持份者,可以利用官方平台公開進行專業的正面討論,使廣大市民能充分了解心理衛生行業實況,適時作出有效回應,使未來香港市民能更快捷便利的接受其所需要之心理服務。 大會亦宣布將於2018年5月26日舉行公開論壇,以凝聚多方共識, 為將來爭取 落實業內先導計劃 奠下基礎。